This page contains information about Smart Shooter 3, which is an older version of the app. Smart Shooter 4 is now available to download and try!
Smart Shooter 3 has an install program that configures it for your system. To install, download the file from the website, open it, and follow the on-screen instructions.
To uninstall Smart Shooter 3, run the Uninstall shortcut that is located along side the Smart Shooter 3 program link. Alternatively you can go to the Add or Remove Programs located in the Windows Control Panel, and click Remove next to the Smart Shooter 3 item in the list.
Smart Shooter 3 is provided as a stand alone DMG package file. To install, download the file from the website, open it, and drag the Smart Shooter 3 file to your Applications folder.
To uninstall Smart Shooter 3, simply delete the Smart Shooter 3 file located in the Applications folder.
New releases of Smart Shooter 3 will be made available on the download section of the website. You can install a new version without uninstalling the previous version, and your personal settings will also be preserved.